Tuesday 25 February 2014

Taking on a sewing challenge or two!

Well, I think I might be a bit crazy but I've signed myself up for not one but two sewing challenges! I first saw the Mad Men dress challenge over on Julia Bobbins blog - http://www.juliabobbin.com/ a few months back and when this year's challenge came up I knew I had to go for it.  Some the previous entries are pretty impressive so I'm thinking up ideas and checking out fabric.  I might do something in Peggy's style but I just can't make up my mind.

No sooner than I signed myself up for the Mad Men challenge another one came my way courtesy of the Dolly Clackett blog - http://dollyclackett.blogspot.co.uk/ Roisins lovely friend Sarah, of Rhinestones and Telephones, has set up the 'Sew Dolly Clackett' challenge in celebration of Roisins marriage to her fiance Nic in May.  Its a fabulous idea and I really felt I should join in as I've been so inspired to start sewing clothes because of Roisins blog.  I do already have the perfect 'dolly esque' fabric which I've been avoiding sewing into anything as its a bit in yer face.  I might post a sneak peak of the fabric soon! I've got the Anna and Emery dress patterns so I'm deciding between the two or may do a mash up of the patterns.  I realise I need to actually get on and make at least one of the dresses ASAP as the clock is ticking!

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